Opinion / Raymond Zhou

Raymond Zhou

The author is a columnist and culture critic with China Daily

Truth or care

[2009-08-14 08:12]

When a husband accuses his wife of a criminal act, in which he was involved, is he upholding the sanctity of the law or shirking his responsibilities as a husband? Should he be praised as a role model or be condemned as a betrayer?

China's J-lovers

[2009-08-11 07:59]

Last Tuesday night, Noriko Sakai (酒井法子) left home with her 10-year-old son. The police and her employer launched a nationwide search. Sakai is a Japanese pop singer and actress. It is reported she was desperate and could be suicidal after her Don Juan of a husband was arrested for possessing illegal drugs.

Don't worry, bei happy

[2009-07-31 08:02]

In March 2008, Li Guofu was found dead in a prison clinic. The local procurator said Li hanged himself. But Li's family did not buy into it.

Pace of gentrification must be balanced

[2009-07-11 07:14]

It is hard to understand why people complain of improved living standards. But until one goes through it, one tends to think in hypothetical terms.

A classic conundrum

[2009-07-10 09:51]

The first time I realized the gap in perception between the Western notion of the Chinese market for classical music and what I knew from within was when I interviewed Renee Fleming.

Cash over cachet

[2009-07-03 08:08]

In martial arts stories, a young man overcomes all kinds of hardship to get something. It could be an ancient scroll, or a sword, or simply a title. Once he has it he has all the power in the world and it will kowtow to him.

Public concern, private matters

[2009-06-26 08:17]

It's an open secret that many of China's entertainment celebrities carry foreign passports. That's not even counting mainlanders who assume Hong Kong residency status or HK stars who are Canadians by nationality. It has become a deceptive veil that camouflages many personal decisions that have nothing to do with loyalty to a country.

The way China is

[2009-06-23 08:02]

"It was just a show of three old women," Ann Hui joked, after winning four prizes at the 9th Media Awards for Chinese Language Films at Dongguan, Guangdong province.

Learning to change

[2009-06-12 09:03]

Last year, I received an e-mail story from a friend. She often sends me interesting postings with bi-cultural significance.

Greasing the Palm

[2009-05-29 07:51]

Cannes is the ideal antithesis for those who hate Hollywood and its Academy Awards. It represents everything that is essential to film as an art form.

Ultimate insider

[2009-05-19 07:58]

When a book comes out in more than one language, it is not difficult to tell which version is more important: The one the author writes in is usually considered "the official version".

By jingo, they're mad!

[2009-05-08 07:58]

Zhang Ziyi is once again the focus of an Internet controversy.

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