PARALYMPICS / Newsmakers

German twin celebration
By Cui Xiaohuo
China Daily/The Paralympian Staff Writer
Updated: 2008-09-09 11:14


The Brussig twins, 31 and 166cm tall, started training for judo together at the age of nine at a local sports club.

But it was Ramona who first excelled and became known nationwide after winning consecutive titles at national and international championships before her precious gold medal in Athens.

Right after those Games, elder sister Carmen improved markedly and quickly became winning at both European and world championships.

At the 2006 worlds, the twins helped Germany win both the individual and team titles.

"We used to train together when we were both in Switzerland. Now Carmen's living and training in Switzerland, while I'm in Germany," said Ramona, wearing a black belt with the Chinese characters for "judo" woven on in gold.

"We have different combat strategies, but we meet each other from time to time and train together.

"Carmen is a bit more humble and thoughtful than me, while I tend to be quite straight-forward and easy-going. We are perfect together," said Ramona.

Away from judo, the twins often enjoy shopping and playing Japanese video games together.

But judo is still their biggest passion and both plan to back up for the London Games in 2012.

"Judo has become a way of living for us, it is a passion and we can't imagine a day with out it," noted Carmen.

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