'House Slave' protests at Real Estate Fair

Updated: 2007-12-13 11:37

A man locked up in bonds went on parade at the 9th China International Real Estate & Archi-Tech Fair (CIHAF) in Beijing on Tuesday.

The wooden bonds carried upon by the man, mimicing the ichnography drawings of an apartment, easily remind people onsite of a poor "House Slave", who are being suppressed by the heavy burdens of a housing mortgage.

The man, Liang Kegang, is an action artist. He said he was using his action art to help raise concern for the "house slaves", a potential population around the country who have to spend a huge amount of their family income on mortgages following their already big down payment.

Nowadays more and more Chinese urban residents have unfortunately become "house slaves" due to ever-surging yet abnormal housing price hikes.



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