REGIONAL> Development
Jobs now a top concern in Guangdong
By Liang Qiwen (China Daily)
Updated: 2008-11-26 07:45

Improving people's livelihood will be a key task of Guangdong provincial government in the next five years, Governor Huang Huahua said recently.

He said the authorities will create more job opportunities, with as many as 1.2 million urban residents expected to be newly employed during the period. Some 800,000 rural residents will also find jobs in the urban areas.

Huang said the government will not only help people look for suitable jobs but also encourage them to start their own businesses. He believes more new businesses will create more job opportunities.

The government will provide more assistance to the underprivileged families, according to the governor.

The assistance scheme will give special support to families that do not have any employed member or have disabled members.

The authorities will also boost the development of human resource efforts. They will reinforce professional training for workers, farmers and demobilized soldiers, as well as to help more university and college graduates find jobs.

In the next five years, the government will also enlarge the coverage of social security system, Huang said, with people living in rural areas to be included into a pension plan for the aged.

As well, authorities will strengthen management of the funds for social insurances.

Social welfare and charity will also be more fully developed in the next five years, according to Huang.

The government will also improve the public security to maintain social stability and crack down on crime.

Supervision of migrant workers and temporary residents will be strengthened.

Huang said close attention will be paid to issues relating to migrant workers, such as how to help them in employment and offer better education for their children.

Finally, the governor said the provincial government will attach great importance to the issue of work safety, especially in mining, construction and transportation sectors.

The authorities will also strengthen inspection and quarantine for food and medicines, according to the governor.