REGIONAL> Culture Tourism
Schiller`s masterpiece to be on in China
(The Meininiger Theater)
Updated: 2009-10-27 15:53

In commemoration of the 250 anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Schiller, the 178 years' old Germany's leading theater—the Meininiger Theater will begin its first China tour with Schiller`s masterpiece "Kabale und Liebe" under the direction of Kerstin Jacobssen.

Schiller`s masterpiece to be on in China
Intrigue and love

Shanghai, this marvellous city has been chosen as its first stop and Beijing as its second. The timeless classic drama will be played on the 10th and 11th of November at the Shanghai Oriental Center and on 12th and 13th of November at the Beijing's PLA Theater.

This is the first time that "Kabale und Liebe", the masterpiece, has ever been brought to China, played in its origenal language German, by the leading German theater Meininiger Theater. Also, this would be a first precious opportunity for the Chinese audience to feel the real German drama art and the pure German passion.

About the Story

Written by Germany's leading 18th century dramatist and writer - Friedrich Schiller - Kabale und Liebe (English Intrigue and Love), tells the tragic tale of two lovers, an honorable aristocrat and a girl of humble birth, who are done to death through a vile intrigue which is dictated by the exigencies of an infamous political regime. By means of a compromising letter, which is not forged but extorted under duress, the lover is made to suspect his sweetheart's fidelity; and she, though innocent, is prevented by scruples of conscience from undeceiving him.

Schiller`s masterpiece to be on in China
Intrigue and love 

It was performed for the first time on 15 April 1784 in Frankfurt, and then two days later on 16 April 1784 in the National Theatre in Mannheim in Schiller's presence. The play was a massive success, running in Berlin, and banned in Stuttgart. It appeared in print in 1784 in Mannheim; an English translation was released in 1795, and a French version followed in 1799.

Schiller's instinctive sense of drama comes to the fore. The appeal of its theme (the revolt of elemental human feeling against the artificialities of convention), the vigor of its social criticism, and the vitality of its dialogue and characters combine to make "Kabale und Liebe" a landmark in German theatrical history.

According to Schiller, a play is not a means to enjoyment; it is the very thing enjoyed. Aesthetic education is necessary, he argued, not only for the proper balance of the individual soul, but also for the harmonious development of society.

The story of this play has remained touching and thrilling through out the centuries and it bears unmistakably the trademark of the "Storm and Stress" epoch.

About the Theater

Schiller and the City of Meiningen have been connected to each other from the very beginning, since this is the city where Schiller went in exile in 1783 and finished his drama. He also worked there as a librarian.

Founded in 1831, the ducal Theater of Meiningen has been an important actor in creating the modern concept of theatre through the staging of elaborate spectacle and large-scale theatre productions. Under the direction of Georg II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, in the second half of the 19th cent, the Meininger Company gained an international reputation through 16 years of tour around Europe and long set the style for German dramatic performances.

Today its name is "Südthüringisches Staatstheater" and it has a firmly established position in the theater's world for its loyalty and faithfulness to its tradition and for its famous repertoire based on Schiller, Shakespeare, Goethe, Kleist, Richard Strauss, Wagner`s masterpieces.

Kabale und Liebe and the morden literature of China

Kabale und Liebe is a most famous German drama known to Chinese audience. It was first brought to China 90 years ago, whicht had burnt the heart of the struggling youth in China during the famous May 4th Movement of 1919. And 50 years ago in the time of the 200 anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Schiller, Kabale und Liebe was put on the show for the first in China by a group of leading Chinese artists. Thereafter, this masterpiece has been put onto stage for many times by the Chinese artists. It is studied, appreciated and played in China. It has even influenced the forming of the morden literature of China.

Kabale und Liebe as the classical work in the "Storm and Stress" epoch shares with Chinese culture the same spiritual pursuit—"calling for freedom, fairness and love".

In the time of the 250th anniversary of Schiller's birth, the China Tour 2009 is promised to bring China this exclusive and incredible homage to Schiller, and to the original German culture.

Press review:

"THE SPOKEN LANGUAGE AND THE SOUL. Schiller's "Cabal and Love" in Meiningen is to be recommended especially for young people. That's the seducing thing about those old theatrical pieces – that they still affect us. It doesn't matter that they appear strange to us in ambience or disposition – in a peculiarly contrasting way, they throw a light on our present existence.

The production (Kerstin Jacobssen) devotes all attention to the young couple acting their parts – Dagmar Geppert and Peer Roggendorf are really young and are able to make the surging storm of unspent feelings credible. Here, the spoken language still possesses the function that becomes it – namely, to inform what is going on in people's souls, to express how hope and disappointment raise people exultantly or depress them profoundly.

Without a doubt, the ensemble achieves showing that love can be more than just a "fleeting moment". (Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung, 16.10.2006)


"It could be said that the Meiningers had intended to play, as such, one of the classical great dramas that, not least because of its openly displayed conflict between bourgeoisie and aristocracy, is regularly worked through as scholastic compulsory reading. Kerstin Jacobssen produces the story about the love between the aristocrat, Ferdinand von Walter and the commoner, Luise Miller, in a classically stringent way with regard to the text as well as content. Thanks to a strict shortening of the contents, high "action" speed and lively performing actors, who are not brought to their knees by Schiller's language, Jacobssen's production is entertaining.

Together with Kathleen Röber, director Kerstin Jacobssen has created an almost empty stage setting: a table with three chairs and a violin against the pillar is the home of Miller, the musician. A purple coloured armchair, in which the well-nourished President von Walter sits, represents the aristocratic society, in front of which all commoners for the first time halt as if in front of an invisible threshold. In place of the violin, here hangs a Colt on the pillar, which already announces the threatening disaster.

Differently to Schiller, President von Walter does not recognize his mistake, even in face of his dying son. Secretary Wurm steps onto the forestage and, in front of the illuminated auditorium, is just about to call for public opinion, when Walter shoots him from behind. Even the death of two people has achieved nothing, the immorality of those in power has triumphed, one's own flesh and blood sacrificed for a "superior" purpose. (Main-Netz, 18.10.2007)


In her production, director Kerstin Jacobssen has chosen the path of reduction. No attention whatsoever is paid to trinkets or stage props – the drama concentrates wholly on the characters. With Dagmar Geppert as Luise and Peer Roggendorf as Ferdinand, the director is able to present two strongly expressive lovers, scintillating with passion, as the main protagonists." (RHÖN- und SAALEPOST, 09.10.2006)

China Tour:

Shanghai: Shanghai Oriental Center, 10th- 11th of November, 19:15 Ticket:RMB380\300\220\150\80, Student Ticket: RMB40 Ticket hotline: +86 21 68541234 Beijing: PLA Theater, 12th- 13th of November, 19:30 For more information on performance dates in China, please contact:

Christine Zhang–Wu Promotion Co., Ltd Tel: +86 10 51650798 ext.33, Fax: +86 10 84417135

Valentina Cecchi –Wu Promotion Co., Ltd Tel: +86 10 51650798 ext.32, Fax: +86 10 84417135