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Get close to the springs by boat
By Ju Chuanjiang, Zhao Ruixue and Wang Qian (China Daily Shandong Bureau)
Updated: 2009-11-06 13:44

Jinan started the project of building the off-shore travel route in November 2007.

Kenzo Maruki, a Japanese tourist, was excited to see the springs. “Jinanis charming with the springs. It is smart for the city to string so many springs into one route.”

When the boat arrives at the Spring City Square, some tourists get off while others embark.

The Square provides a good place for people to enjoy the pleasure of flying kites or having fun with the many pigeons there. Young lovers are frequently seen sitting under the willow trees, talking and smiling.

Opposite to the Square is Baotu Spring Park where the spring welcomes tourists with abundant water. Thanks to rich rainfall, the spring is spewing water as high as 20 centimeters this year.

Get close to the springs by boat
An undated photo shows the renowned Baotu Spring in Jinan, capital city of Shandong province. [China Daily/Shandong Bureau]

“Baotu Spring has a recorded history of 3,543 years. It produces 200,000 cu m of water daily. The spring has a constant temperature of 18C year-round,” the tour guide introduced.

Tourists can also watch local shows in the park while enjoying the cool breeze brought by the Baotu Spring.

“I have lived in Jinan for more than 60 years. I love these springs very much,” said 84-year-old Yan Gan, who was taking photos of the Baotu Spring. He once held an exhibition of 70 photos about Baotu Spring and is very familiar with the history of the Spring.

“Baotu Spring has spewed for six consecutive years,” Yan said.

Since the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), dozens of well-known poets have written about Baotu Spring including the female writer Li Qingzhao of the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The Memorial Hall for this famous writer who grew up in Jinan also attracts many tourists.

Beside Baotu Spring, the top of Jinan’s 72 springs, stands a stone tablet with the inscription “the finest spring under heaven”, written by the emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It is said when the emperor sampled Baotu Spring water for the first time, he highly praised it and granted it the Crown of the Springs.

The robust Baotu Spring, numerous tiny springs, weeping willows and chirping birds combined together enrich the Park, making it vital to the area.

On September 23, 2009, the Baotu Spring Park was formally named “National Key Park” by the China Ministry of Housing and City Construction.

The Park is equipped with specialized equipment to measure the level of spring water by the minute, which is reported to the public every day. The current water table is 29 meters and every change means a lot to local citizens.

According to a government survey, as the City of Springs,Jinan is home to 645 springs, 136 of which are in the 2.6-sq-km old urban area. It produces as much as 300,000 cu m of water daily.

Jinan is the city which boasts the most abundant spring water in China. The spring is the city’s life and soul,” said Han.

Without the springs, the city will lose its charm, many believe. A few years ago, due to the uncontrolled extraction of groundwater, the perennial springs stopped spewing for at least two months and at most two and a half years. To change this phenomenon, since 2001, the Jinan government has adopted a series of effective measures, including putting a ban on exploiting groundwater, sealing more than 500 wells, and constructing dams and reservoirs in southern mountain areas. Due to the government’s efforts, the groundwater is constantly replenished and the water table gradually rises.

Capitalizing on the spring resource,Jinan is planning to develop an off-shore sightseeing route encompassing the eastern half of the city.

“When the eastern route is constructed, there will be a complete one encircling the moat, stringing all of the city’s famous spots,” Wang Jianguo, director of the Jinan Travel Bureau, said.

“It will become a classic travel route by offering easy access to all major attractions in Jinan by boat,” he added.

Passing under a stone arch bridge, a boat sails into Daming Lake, delighting the tourists on board.. Numerous boats drift on the expansive lake fringed with weeping willows.

According to Han, due to the two-year reconstruction work, the lake areas were enlarged from 74 hectares to 103.4 hectares. Since September 21, tourists have been able to get free access to the newly-extended areas.

By setting foot on the island in Daming Lake, tourists find themselves in a place where ancient ruins appear at every turn. There are more than 30 temples, pavilions, bridges, and ancient houses, many of which are built in the Song(960-1279), Ming (1368-1644) and Qing(1644-1911) Dynasties.

After the tour in Daming Lake, tourists make a nearby visit to Jinan’s old streets and lanes, where they are able to sample delicious snacks, experience local customs, and shop. They can also drink a few mouthfuls of green tea or glasses of beer made by fresh spring water, which tempt them as they pass the various shops and cafes.

When night falls, the moat and springs look even more mysterious, with a backdrop of colored lights along the waterway. If tourists decide to take a boat tour at night, they will experience another kind of beauty altogether.

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