REGIONAL> Economy and Business
Pingtan hot for grab for investors
By Tong Hao (China Daily Fujian Bureau)
Updated: 2009-11-30 16:35

Pingtan, the nearest Chinese mainland county to Taiwan, has become a hot spot for investors since it launched policies to develop a Taiwan-oriented economy.

From September to mid-November, 36 domestic-invested enterprises with a total registered capital of 202 million yuan opened in the county.

The registered capital was 9.27 times as the amount in the same period of 2008. At the same time, the number of individual businesses increased by 35 percent to 307 ones with a total fixed assets of 5.68 million yuan, a 33 percent growth over the previous year, according to statistics from Pingtan government.

Pingtan became the first mainland experimental zone to develop a Taiwan-oriented economy by providing preferential policies to Taiwanese businesses in terms of land supply, taxation, capital and so on.