Bureaus Exclusive

Jia Qinglin visits Fujian delegation

Updated: 2011-03-10 21:59
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Jia Qinglin , chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) , met Fujian delegates March 5, 2011 during the Fourth Session of the 11th National People's Congress.

After shaking hands with every delegate, Jia said he has developed a strong relationship with Fujian people after years of working in the province. "I am very glad to meet everyone here," he said. "The Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report summarized the achievements and experiences in the 11th Five-Year Plan, stated the target of the 12th Five-Year Plan, and arranged the plans for 2011. Like other provinces in China, Fujian has achieved great success in economic development and improvements within society. The west coast of the Taiwan Strait economic zone was developed as part of a national strategy."

According to Jia, the five economic indicators: economic aggregate , per capita national income, general financial revenue , total export and import volume and total volume of retail sales have doubled compared with numbers in 2005. Fujian has also made many breakthroughs in infrastructure construction, the construction of ecological civilization , the improvement of people’s livelihoods and in communication with Taiwan. Especially in recent years, social and economic development in all areas has accelerated.

I congratulate Fujian people for their genuine achievements.

Jia said the government’s work report stated that once again the mainland will support the Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone by leading the way and exploring new paths for communication and cooperation across the Taiwan Straits. Fujian province should seize this opportunity and play an important role in promoting peaceful cooperation with Taiwan. With Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone set up as a pilot cooperating zone with Taiwan, Fujian has been able to play a more important role in cross-Straits communication.

Finally, Jia wished Fujian prosperity and expressed hope that Fujian people will experience a better quality of life.

Fujian province's Party secretary and director of the provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Sun Chunlan said Jia had always supported and cared for Fujian. We really appreciate him for being supportive, he said. Fujian will try its best to improve cross-Strait cooperation.
