Shaanxi painters' works on display

Updated: 2011-08-08 10:49

By Su Yan (

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On August 4, 2011, "Chang'an spirit - exibition of contemporary Shaanxi painters' works," solemnly held in Xi'an. The exhibition is held by the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Artists Association, and co-sponsored by Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department. The exhibition was held from the end of May to the end of July this year in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, which proved to be a great success. It began in Xi'an on August 4, and will continue until August 12.

The public warmly welcomed when the exhibition once opened. The reporter knew from the front desk staff that visitors came to the team has been ranked over one hundred meters in 4th morning. And almost all the picture albums and the activities brochures were taken by the visitors in only one hour. This unprecedented enthusiasm reflected Xi'an people's Love of art. "This is also a power that forces us to continue to run the art business" Liu Wenxi , vice chairman of Shaanxi Art Association said.

According to the introduction, this exhibition brings together over 1.3 pieces of quality works by famous painters Liu Wenxi, Cui Zhenkuan, Wang Ziwu and so on, as well as text data of related meetings. Compared with the three previous exhibitions, this time is far richer. Not only a display that full of gratitude, but also a comprehensive review and summary of the former activities.

"Chang'an spirit" reflects the history of art and culture of Shaanxi origins, highly fits to the art history and current status of Shaanxi, reveals their serene and enterprising character.

Wang Xijing, vice chairman of Shaanxi Cultural Association and chairman of Shaanxi Art Association previously said on a symposium, that, after adjusting staff, Shaanxi Art Association has implemented a series of measures, aims at promoting the cultural spirit of Chang'an, carrying forward the spirit of 'Chang'an Painting School' and 'Loess Painting School'. We hope to have more contacts and exchanges to jointly promote the 'spirit of Chang'an', to promote the cause of long-term development of art in Shaanxi

The event has an important academic value, is a high-end painting display with the works that created by "Chang'an Paingting School" after its arrival to Beijing. It could bring significant and intuitive academic basis to art theorists to study history, to grasp the new pattern of contemporary Shaanxi art world.