Peony appears on Longmen Grottoes signboards

Updated: 2011-10-26 10:39

By Zhang Leilong (China Daily Henan Bureau)

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Peony appears on Longmen Grottoes signboards
The latest signboard promoting Longmen Grottoes.

In response to the important instruction of Lu Zhangong, secretary of CPC Henan Provincial Committee: "When peony blooms, peony flowers should be everywhere in the city", Longmen Grottoes boldly incorporates peony on the signboards, with characteristics of the grottoes as well.

The 16 road signboards were designed under the leadership of the Reception Office of the Administrative Committee of the Longmen Grottoes scenic area. They combined the elements of peony and made the Losana Buddha and peony be flowers mutually radiant.

In the near future, these signboards will be hung at the major sections around the Longmen Grottoes.