200 ancient fortresses found in Shaanxi

Updated: 2012-04-15 15:38

By Lu Hongyan (China Daily Shaanxi Bureau)

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Shaanxi province has found more than 200 sites of ancient fortresses in Zhen'an county in the hinderland of the Qingling Mountainou during the recent third national cultural relics survey.

According to Li Guang, chief of the county cultural relic management institute, the fortresses are scattered on dangerous mountaintops or hidden places

While small fortresses could hold only several people, more than four sites could each hold between 400 and 500.

200 ancient fortresses found in Shaanxi

One of the ancient fortresses discovered recently in Zhen'an county in Shaanxi province.[Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

It is the first time in the province that such a large number of ancient fortresses have been found, he said.

According to local chronicles, the majority of the fortresses were built at the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the early Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) to protect locals against farmers' uprisings.

"Local celebrities and rich people have led their neighbors in the construction of the fortresses which have the mountains as the base and stones as their walls. As three sides of each fortress are on steep slopes and one side connects the mountain peak, it was easy guard the fortress but difficult to attack it," Li said.

200 ancient fortresses found in Shaanxi

One of the ancient fortresses discovered recently in Zhen'an county in Shaanxi province.[Photo/chinadaily.com.cn] 

Located in the rolling mountains, Zhen'an was the passageway leading to Sichuan province and Chongqing municipality to the south and Hubei province to the east.

Because of the dangerous terrain, building fortresses was an important means for rich families to protect themselves.