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Overseas Chinese learn to start a business in Pudong

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( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-07-12

On July 3, more than 30 overseas Chinese said that they wanted to understand the domestic policies and experience a good business atmosphere when they participated in a Pudong international talent training session.

The overseas Chinese professional home business workshops is the tenth issue this year, hosted by Chinese National Overseas Affairs Office. As the Chinese Affairs system works, "Starfish Project" has gone through six issues. Nearly 400 overseas Chinese professionals who have returned to China attended the training. One-fourth chose to start their own business in Pudong, and some have successfully been selected for the "Central Thousand People Plan".

Pudong is fertile ground for returning students. Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park has more than 5,000 returnees, and Pudong's training courses focus more on the real atmosphere. The class contains from the Business Model, corporate intellectual property protection, to how to impress VC. It also arranged a brainstorming activity so that students and instructors can be in view of the collision to find their own road of innovation and entrepreneurship. Some students admitted that after studying abroad for such a long time, they were a little rusty on domestic entrepreneurial approaches and ideas. They hoped the workshops could help them understand the development of the domestic industry.

The Pudong students covered almost all key industries in Pudong. There were more than 140 participants from the US, Canada, Germany, and 10 other countries and regions. This is the 10th Chinese business workshop hosted by the State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. Over the course of a week, the training will focus on policy interpretation and placement in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Yangpu innovation base, Shanghai International Automobile City.

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