Drama Copenhagen

Updated : 2013-08-08 By : Source : chinadaily.com.cn


Drama Copenhagen

Playwright / Michael Frayn

Director / Xiaoying Wang

Actors / Guoqing Liang, Qing Yang, Yu He

Time: 2013-08-17 19:30

ADD: Multifunctional Hall

Price: ¥280 ¥180 ¥120 ¥80 ¥50 ¥30


Performance Information

This play is a dialogue among three dead souls: German scientist Werner Heisenberg, Danish scientist Neils Bohr and his wife Margrethe. It pieces together a mystery in modern scientific history, of a meeting that took place in 1941 in Copenhagen, at the height of Nazi power, that affected the development of the atomic bomb. This story is still valid today as we face nuclear threats despite scientific advances. Copenhagen casts a historic perspective on our lives even today.