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Trade center for raw materials in Xi'an China South City


Updated: 2013-08-28

Located in China South City in Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park, the trade center for raw materials is a comprehensive trading center with a construction area of 680,000 square meters.

It will be built into a giant international comprehensive logistics cluster with a full range of services, such as commodities trade, logistics and residential facilities.

The center will attract commercial tenants and agents from home and abroad with a variety of products, including toys, jewelry, arts and crafts. It will involve the whole industry chain, from raw materials to finished products.

Address: 8 Gangwu Avenue, Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park

Postcode: 710026

Tel: +86 159 9177 5532

Fax: +86 29 8350 2022

E-mail: wangyonggang@ csc-sz.com

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