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Gui'an Economc Zone:Reaching new heights in Guizhou’s economic development

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-01-21

The Gui'an Economic Zone-located between Guiyang city, capital of Guizhou province, and Anshun city of Guizhou province- has become increasingly popular since January 6, when the zone’s construction and development plan and schedule were officially approved.

According to the 2014 Guizhou Provincial Government Work Report, Guizhou must develop the Gui’an Economic Zone into one of the most important economic regions in West China, demonstrating West China’s economic strength, as well as setting an example as an ecological demonstration area.

In 2013, as many as 18 contracts were signed in the Gui'an Economic Zone, with total contracts worth 130 billion yuan ($12.48 billion). Five Fortune 500 companies have settled in the district. Some large domestic corporations, including Wahaha Group, have also settled in the zone.

The district will focus on high-end electronics manufacturing. It will specifically support Foxconn Industrial Park in the zone, which will take a leading role in building industrial electronics clusters in the area.


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