Nankai University scholars offer advice to Summer Davos

Updated : 2014-08-26 By : Source :

The Summer Davos will be held in Tianjin from Sept 10-12. Scholars from Nankai University have offered advice for meeting preparations.

20 sub-topics

This year's event will focus on boosting innovation and creating value. Experts from Nankai University, Peking University, Renmin University, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and research and education institutes from Tianjin determined a total of 20 sub-topics, including problems in economic development worldwide and China's role in the world's economic development.

Scholars from Nankai University will lead 12 topics and get involved in other topics. Tong Jiadong, vice-president of the university, will focus on two topics: Chinese economic structure adjustment and value chain upgrade as well as environment, resources and sustainable development. Zhang Yuli, a professor from the university, will be responsible for the topic of boosting enterprise innovation and emerging industry development. Wu Zhicheng, a professor from the university's Zhou Enlai School of Government, will head the topic of state governance systems and governance capacity modernization.

A green Davos

Tianjin has introduced environmentally-friendly elements to the Summer Davos since 2010. The city's green ideas and plans have evolved a lot over the years.

Zhu Tan, a professor with Nankai University's Environmental Science and Engineering College, heads the green Davos team.

Zhu said that exhibition and convention has become an integral part of social activities. China has to integrate ecological civilization ideas and culture into social activities. Green exhibition and convention will help future urban development and improve the public awareness of environmental protection. "We are merging with the world, and it's a process that needs more people to understand China. Therefore, China has to build a low-carbon image. Davos is an ideal platform for the country to showcase itself," said Zhu.