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Colorful host to well-known names and political leaders

By Song Mengxing (China Daily) Updated: 2015-02-02 17:16

The ancient city of Chengdu has some interesting diplomatic exchanges in recent times including a colorful visit by French President Jacques Chirac in 2004.

The capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province was Chirac's first stop when he visited China in October that year.

"I have longed for a visit to the home province of Deng Xiaoping, who initiated China's reform and opening-up, and now my wish comes true," the president said.

When Chirac arrived at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport on Oct 8, he was warmly welcomed by the local people including students and Sichuan Opera performers.

The airport on that day became a stage where the "face-changing" skill of Sichuan Opera and local folk songs and dances were performed to Chirac's obvious amusement.

Crowds of people gathered at the intersections near the hotel where Chirac stayed to welcome him.

"He frequently leaned out of the car window and waved to the crowd," Chirac's escorts recalled.

At a Sino-French economic exchange meeting on Oct 9, Chirac even quoted a line by Li Bai, a noted poet in the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) - "it is easier to climb to heaven than take the road to Sichuan".

After the meeting, he visited the residence of another poet in the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu. In Du's thatched cottage, Chirac wrote an inscription "to express great admiration and respect to the great poet".

Chirac said he has long admired the Ba and Shu cultures - ancient kingdoms in today's Sichuan and neighboring Chongqing - where people created brilliant civilizations more than 2,000 years ago.

"After I saw today's Sichuan, I also appreciate its modernization and vitality," Chirac said.

When he left Chengdu, it took him almost 15 minutes to cover the 50-meter-long red carpet to his airplane as he shook the many hands of locals who saw him off.

Helene Mandroux, former mayor of Montpellier, was another foreign politician that visited Chengdu.

Montpellier, a renowned wine production area in southern France, became its first sister city in 1981.

In March last year Mandroux paid her fifth visit to Chengdu to further boost cooperation between the two cities.

When she was mayor of Montpellier from 2004 to 2014, the two cities had far more exchanges.

Colorful host to well-known names and political leaders

French President Jacques Chirac visited Du Fu's thatched cottage during his tour of Chengdu in 2004.

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