107 CAEXPO domestic economic cooperation projects signed


107 CAEXPO domestic economic cooperation projects signed

The signing ceremony of the 12th China-ASEAN Expo Domestic Economic Cooperation Projects was held on Sept 19. A total of 107 projects were signed.

Enterprises participating include those from Guangdong, Beijing, Fujian, Shanghai as well as those directly under the administration of the central government.

This signing ceremony of domestic economic cooperation projects was highlighted in three aspects.

First, the quality of the projects signed has been obviously enhanced. Two large projects are more than 10 billion yuan ($1.57 billion), three above 5 billion yuan and 37 above 1 billion yuan. The projects are all contractual projects with high maturity.

Second, the pragmatic cooperation has promoted industrial upgrading. The signed projects at this ceremony involve more than 10 areas including new manufacturing, new energy and new materials. The new equipment manufacturing, high-tech information, modern logistics, new energy, new materials, finance, science and technology, agricultural industrialization projects are the main body and account for about 70 percent of the total amount.

Third, the Chinese enterprises actively participated in it. Businessmen from various regions were enthusiastic and more than 19 Chinese provinces and cities participated in the signing. The number of projects contracted has exceeded 100 for the first time, which is the highest compared to the previous ceremonies.