The 12th China-ASEAN Expo concluded


Second, to attract high-profiled participants to expand cooperation. The forum attracted nearly 400 participants, including government officials, business elites, reporters and journalists of China, ASEAN countries and other countries along the Maritime Silk Road. Mr. Ning Jizhe, vice minister of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, made a keynote speech at the forum. Mr. Chen Wu, governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, deputy minister of the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Lao PDR, deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar, state secretary of the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia, official with the East Coast Economic Region of Malaysia and chairman of the Zambaoanga Special Economic Zone of the Philippines have presented and addressed the forum. Mr. Zhang Xiaoqin, vice governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and permanent secretary with the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Darussalam made presence. The attendance of high-profiled participants made the forum more internationalized, professional and highly representative.

Third, to pool consensus on cooperation and strengthen mutual trust. The forum provided a new venue for exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries in international capacity. Mr. Ning Jizhe elaborated on the historic significance of promoting international capacity cooperation, cooperation principles and priority tasks for the next stage, conveying the cooperation concept of giving equal attention to obligations and profits, promoting reciprocal cooperation and staying open and inclusive. His proposals were positive responded by all participants at presence. In-depth discussions were held on issues related to building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and promoting international capacity cooperation of their common interest. A lot of constructive proposals were contributed, consensus on cooperation was converged, mutual trust was enhanced and a joint force was thus formed. The National Development and Reform Commission of China held bilateral talks with Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia on international capacity cooperation, which laid a solid foundation for the future cooperation.

Fourth, we have adopted innovative measures to pragmatically promote the bilateral cooperation.

We arranged Achievements Exhibition, promotion conference on industrial parks and business talks to provide bridges for the cooperation between industrial parks and enterprises.

The International Economic and Capacity Cooperation Exhibition has drawn the participation of over 20 large-scaled exhibiting enterprise, which showcased electric power equipment, engineering machinery and vehicles, building materials and electrical telecommunications equipment, etc.

At the Project Matching Program for International Capacity and Equipment Manufacturing, over 60 Chinese enterprises had face-to-face talks with ASEAN industrial parks including Thailand-China Rayong Industrial Park, Cambodia Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, Myanmar Mingalardon Industrial Park and Philippine Zamboanga Special Economic Zone, reaching 11 preliminary agreements on cooperation. According to incomplete statistics, during the 12th CAEXPO, agreements on 34 international capacity cooperation projects have been concluded at various project matching programs and seminars, covering machinery equipment, automobile and parts/components, energy construction, building materials production, non-ferrous metals and mining development.

Fifth, to launch more cooperation mechanisms that will have profound influence. The international capacity cooperation series activities constituted a new highlight among the efforts to implement the Belt and Road initiative. By organizing such activities, leveraging channels and platforms provided by the CAEXPO for interpreting principle of international cooperation which features consultation, joint efforts and shared benefits, we build platforms for exchanges and cooperation in international capacity sector, which not only facilitated relevant cooperation projects to be grounded on an earlier date but also build the CAEXPO into a platform for interpreting policies for international capacity cooperation between China, ASEAN countries and other countries along the Maritime Silk Road, a platform for all parties to match and coordinate their industrial sectors, and a platform for providing information services to all enterprises involved in a more efficient manner.