Intelligent air purifier

By : Xu Lili


Qinbao, an intelligent air purifier developed by ECOVACS Robotics Co, will be on display at this year's China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen.

The small robot combines mobility with intelligent air cleaning technology to monitor indoor air quality and eradicate pollution in real time.

"Qinbao" can automatically increase air purification according to pollution concentrations. Its multi-layer filtration system can adjust wind speed automatically and purify efficiently.

Its unique HACM oxygen metal oxide filtration system can decompose formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and second hand smoke to release fresh air.

"Qinbao" is also able to perceive and avoid obstacles, recharge automatically, and follow operational times programing. It has brought the development of a home service robot to a new level.

Intelligent air purifier

The intelligent air purifier "Qinbao" [Photo provided by ECOVACS Robotics Co]

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