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Railway container center

By Lu Hongyan and Yang Fan (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2015-11-05

The Xi'an Railway Container Center in the Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park is set to be developed into a core warehousing and logistics hub.

The container center is conveniently located and is just transportation 7 kilometers away from a beltway connecting to a series of expressways, namely the Lianyungang–Khorgas, Beijing-Kunming, Shanghai-Shaanxi, Baotou-Maoming and Fuzhou-Yinchuan expressways.

Covering an area of 68.3 hectares, the center received a total investment of 350 million yuan ($56.5 million). The first phase of the project was launched in September 2008 and completed in June 2009.

Formal operations of the first phase of the project began on Dec 1, 2010. An 808-meter-long gantry crane track and two 1,050-meter cargo loading and unloading tracks with a functional length of 850 meters were installed to facilitate the loading and unloading of containers.

The cargo center was designed according to modern logistics requirements. It is divided into different functional areas, including stockpiling areas, warehousing areas and international container areas. Each area is equipped with modern equipment, such as container loading and uploading equipment and dispatching and monitoring management systems.

Of the automatic systems installed in the center is advanced information management system capable of improve efficiency, facilitating inquiries, tracking orders and facilitating customs and banking procedures.

It also contains four cranes with 40-ton lifting capacities, a front sling van, two container trucks, two electric-powered carts and three combined industrial static electronic scales.

Railway container center

Railway container center

Railway container center
Edited by Jacob Hooson

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