China / my Chengdu life

Sunset surprise in northern Chengdu

By Malcolm Phillips ( Updated: 2016-03-03 15:07

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Sunset surprise in northern Chengdu

Sitting on the balcony of my house in North Chengdu, I look out to the West. A view that on most days is uninspiring, but one day last July I was in the best position in town. As the sun was setting I could see it was going to be a special day. The usual grey mist had cleared and the mountains in the distance could be seen as a pale purple shadow on the horizon. Their blue greys were tinged with the orange and red glow of the late evening sun and thus the light show began. I was soon joined by people from the surrounding village who had walked to the top of the hill with their phones. It seems that a sunset in Chengdu is indeed rare as everyone was keen to capture this moment. It was certainly worth the wait as the sight of towering peaks bisecting the horizon, were highlighted in the glow of the setting sun. Golden hues outlined the distance clouds giving them a sharp definition and the reds turned to warm oranges,and it changed to salmon pink as the sun dipped.

For me this "once in a 10 year sunset" was another example of the great variety and spectacle of Chengdu and the jewel of Sichuan. A city with many hidden treasures from the tourist delights of Jinli Street to the office and accommodation blocks which define the city skyscape; from the huge monolith of the Global Centre to the three major ring roads. All these elements add to the diversity of the city. A city where everything is available and most things are possible.

Here in the North of the city I see daily changes and development. We will soon have IKEA and then later in the year the Metro. Chengdu is dynamic and its constant growth and change is something to behold. Living here I witness the changes and growth; to travel into the city is a journey through a landscape of dynamism, alteration and continuous building. During my first year in Chengdu I feel I have just begun to scratch the surface and I am driven to see more.

But back to where I began this story, that night watching the sun set over this dynamic, growing and ever more cosmopolitan city. Up here on the hill, joined by my neighbours, I marvelled at the natural spectacle in front of us. For a short time a magical moment was created, reminding us that there is more to Chengdu city than Chunxi Road.

The author is the Headmaster of the Malvern College Chengdu.

The opinions expressed do not represent the views of the China Daily website.

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