China / my Chengdu life

My Chengdu Experience – Learning a Foreign Language

By Emmanuel Ahene ( Updated: 2016-03-11 14:14

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My Chengdu Experience – Learning a Foreign Language

On 4th September 2014, I was fully matriculated into one of China’s best universities, University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC). It was a very colorful ceremony. They call it opening ceremony. The auditorium was full of Chinese (of course! It's a Chinese University), but other nationalities were there too. Yes, "I was there some" together with some other Ghanaians. There were Pakistanis, Vietnamese, Kenyans, Ethiopians and many others. It was great. Although the ceremony was wonderful, I felt like a complete stranger. Why? They spoke only Chinese! The writings were also 99.99% Chinese. In fact, I understood how it feels like, to be an illiterate. The characters were meaningless to me. I was like a “complete stranger” in a foreign land. However, the names and positions of the important personalities “VIPs” introduced were translated for us on a screen. The speech by the president of the university was also translated on the screen.

Anyway, this actually spurred my interest in learning the Chinese language. I started but wasn’t much consistent. I went off for a while, at this point I could only speak “yi dian yi dian”(a little). After a while of silence, I came back to my private lessons of learning the language. I realised I could really feel at home If I was able to speak the language better. It's been quite interesting even till now, and I've realized that learning Chinese, generally, is not different from learning any other language. In fact, I think Chinese is easier to learn, as far as grammar is concerned. If you don't agree with me, try German, or French. Even English! However, aside the general similarities, there are a few peculiarities in every language that one must take into consideration when learning a foreign language.

In my learning of Chinese language, I have observed some important facts about learning a new language. To successfully learn a new language;

1. Learn a few phrases or sentences applicable to your immediate environment or circumstances. For example, if you are a student, you may consider starting with the school, classroom, or dormitory environment. As a tourist, you might consider, how to book a hotel, etc. However, in all situations, I learnt that it is better to start with basic greetings and responses and introduction. Hence I can suggest that you start with these basics. This approach actually helped me to begin to have simple conversations with many Chinese. Although I could not proceed after these simple phrases, it was a feasible means of boosting my morale. Naturally, even with a few constructions the Chinese would tell you “ni de zhongwen hao”(Your Chinese is good).

2. Learn depending on your needs and the time available, you may learn about the writing system of the language. This will give you the independence to teach yourself, afterwards. Even if the symbols (alphabetic or otherwise) used in that language are similar to that of your native language, note that, their sounds may be different. Although, I recommend this to be the second step, it can be postponed, depending on circumstances. For instance in the case of learning Chinese language. As far as I am concerned step two was not so much good for me because learning Chinese characters was quite difficult.

3. After learning a few sentences and phrases for simple conversation, you may move on to some simple rules of grammar. This will help you to begin to form your own sentences. Comparatively, Chinese grammar is quite easier, because in some cases the same verb can be used in the present past and even in present continuous.

4. Learn more vocabulary and expressions, to aid you in forming your own sentences. In fact, you may decide to precede step 3 with this step or have them go together. If you have learnt about the writing system of the language (step 2), reading more books will be of help. I personally had translator applications on my mobile phone such that I always would check up for the meaning of new words and expressions. This approach was very helpful.

5. Listen more, especially, to native speakers. Here, television or radio programmes in that language will be of help. Don't be too ambitious, start with programmes made for beginners. The Internet will also be of help. This step will help you to adapt to the way native speakers speak. In addition, you will also learn expressions that cannot be learnt from textbooks.

6. Grab every opportunity to practice speaking the language, if you have very little opportunity to do so, then try to make more friends as I did.

Now, I feel as part of the people, I am able to express myself pretty well as and when necessary. Now, I find China and for that matter Chengdu to be much fun. It has indeed been an awesome experience compare to September 4.

The opinions expressed do not represent the views of the China Daily website.

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