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Hi-tech Zone joins hands with enterprises | Updated: 2018-05-14 13:34

Hi-tech Zone joins hands with enterprises

A project signing ceremony is held between the Xi'an Hi-tech Industries Development zone and investors on May 11. [Photo/WeChat account: wmxagxq]

The Xi'an Hi-tech Industries Development zone signed 40 projects with enterprises ad investors, pocketing 143.7 billion yuan ($22.7 billion) during the 3rd Silk Road International Exposition in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province on May 11.

This year's signing projects have soared to a record high in terms of number, quality and value, covering areas like equipment manufacturing, cultural tourism and electric information. All of them will contribute to the advancement of the zone, according to Zhong Hongjiang, secretary of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee.

Hi-tech Zone joins hands with enterprises

Zhong Hongjiang, secretary of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee makes a speech to welcome the entrepreneurs at the ceremony on May 11. [Photo/WeChat account: wmxagxq]

The zone has been greatly sought-after among investors due to the sound investment environment, strong industrial strength and flourishing service and is still seeking further progress through a three-year plan.

Reforms to improve investment service and boost flexible and open mechanisms are in full swing to live up to the trust and expectations of the entrepreneurs and to advance win-win cooperation.

"The government's great enthusiasm was also impressive through its preferential policies and high-quality service. We will make all-out efforts to contribute", Xu Guanghong, deputy general manager of Zhejiang Wenchuang Group spoke highly of the zone.

Two other projects were penned on May 12 with an investment of 21 billion yuan. Shi Kangdu, deputy director of the administrative committee of the high-tech comprehensive bonded zone with representatives witnessed the partnership with two enterprises which will give fuel to the zone's cultural tourism, ecological protection and infrastructure construction.

The expo, which is to be held from May 11-15, attracted 230 delegations from 73 countries and regions across the world.

Hi-tech Zone joins hands with enterprises

Shi Kangdu (L), deputy director of the administrative committee of the high-tech comprehensive bonded zone signs contracts with partners on May 12. [Photo/WeChat account: wmxagxq]