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The Implementation Rules on BDA's Promotion of Technological Business Incubator

Updated : 2014-10-31

The Implementation Rules Regarding Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone on Promoting the Development of Technological Business Incubator (tentative implementation)

Issued on September 21, 2011

◇ Article I

The implementing rules are made to further promote the development of technological business Incubators ("Incubator"), standardize the implementation of Incubator support policy, and improve the efficiency of supporting funds in accordance with the Management Methods of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone on Promoting the Development of Technological Business Incubator (tentative implementation) (Methods).

◇ Article II

The following materials are required to apply for Incubator identification & review:

i. Declaration of Determination on Technological Business Incubator of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone with an official seal

ii. The appendix of application materials mainly include incubators and incubated enterprises.

1. Appendix of incubators (incubators seals are required)

(1) Copy of business license;

(2) Copy of tax registration license;

(3) Copy of incubation site ownership certificates should be stamped with seals of ownership. In addition, ownership certificates coupled with relevant agreements or documents are necessary for incubation site for rental, cooperation and free use. A service life of over two years is required for application; incubation site of Incubators should be consistent with the registered one.

(4) Service cases on professional service capacities like technological conditions, technology transfer, professional financing and investment, professional consulting and marketing, the number of serviced enterprises last year and related documents;

(5) Industrial distribution of incubated enterprises;

(6) Incubation funds certificates;

(7) Directories and diploma copies of person in charge and management team members;

(8) Layout plan of incubation site, including floor, room number, room size, etc;

(9) Directories of incubated enterprises last year;

(10) Directories of complemented enterprises last year.

2. Incubated enterprises Appendix (official seals of the corresponding incubated enterprises are needed)

(1) Copies of business license;

(2) Copies of tax registration license;

(3) Introduction of technologies & products (a piece of A4 paper);

(4) Materials, such as agreements, bank statements and so on that proves successful financing under service of Incubators or obtaining investment from Incubators.

iii. Binding of application materials

1. Application materials should be printed on A4 paper (the title in bold font size two, the text in Arial small size four, with 1.5 line spacing) and bound in quadruplicate. Hereinto, incubated enterprises sections should be bound separately in duplicate.

2. Binding sequence of materials

(1) Declaration of Determination on Technological Business Incubator of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone;

(2) Incubator part includes cover, contents and Appendix;

(3) Incubated enterprises part includes cover, contents and Appendix;

◇ Article III

We encourage Incubators to actively apply for determination as national and Beijing municipal Incubators. Units recognized as national and Beijing municipal Incubators will be funded 1 million yuan ($161,254) and 500,000 yuan, respectively, with the highest value not exceeding 1 million yuan accumulatively. The following materials are required to apply for this support.

1. Application Form of Funding the Development of Technological Business Incubator by Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone;

2. Originals and copies with official seals of national technological business Incubator certificate or municipal technological business Incubator certificate;

◇ Article IV

Encourage cooperation of Incubators with Incubators, as well as Incubators with large enterprises, universities, research institutes, intermediary services, venture investment, etc to provide service for companies. The successful cooperation projects will be subsidized 30 percent of investment made by Incubators to serve enterprises, with the highest value not exceeding 300,000 yuan. The following materials are required to apply for this funding support:

1. Application Form of Funding the Development of Technological Business Incubator by Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (Class A);

2. Originals and copies of cooperation agreements between Incubators and partners;

3. Originals and copies of expenses generated from Incubator implementing cooperation agreements with official seals;

4. Service proof of incubated enterprises under services.

◇ Article V

We encourage Incubators to provide value-added services such as venture consulting, marketing planning, market information, market development, professional management consulting, policy funds application, brokerage and intellectual property protection. We will subsidize 30 percent of their investment for annual value-added service, with the highest value not surpassing 300,000 yuan. The following materials are required to apply for this support.

1. Application Form of Funding the Development of Technological Business Incubator by Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (Class B);

2. Management systems, programs, plans and summary reports of value-added service;

3. Contracts or agreements of value-added service;

4. Expense evidence for investment of value-added service; (annual value-added service investment funds refer to expenses, excluding wages and other internal management costs, generated from payment to external management training organizations, technology intermediaries, certified public accountants and so on for value-added service of Incubators);

5. Service proof of incubated enterprises under services.

◇ Article VI

We encourage Incubators to organize incubated enterprises to take part in international and domestic industrial exhibitions & conferences, academic exchanges and other activities. An annual subsidy of 50 percent of relevant expanses not exceeding 100,000 yuan will be given for participating in the above exchanges and activities.

1. Application Form of Funding the Development of Technological Business Incubator by Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (Class C);

2. Invitations and related activity introductions and other materials to prove participation in the above activities;

3. Proof of incubated enterprises joining exchange activities;

4. Voucher of related expenses.

◇ Article VII

We encourage Incubators to invest in incubated enterprises. Support will be given first to incubators applying for technological innovation special funds projects of the development zone. Those applying for technological projects of Beijing and the Ministry of Science & Technology will get priority to be recommended. The following materials are required to apply for this support.

1. Application to win prior support or prior recommendation;

2. Proof of Incubators investing in incubated enterprises;

3. All the materials necessary for enterprises applying for technological innovation special funds projects of development zone as well as technological projects of Beijing and the Ministry of Science & Technology.

◇ Article VIII

We encourage Incubators to attract major scientific and technological achievement transformation projects of China and Beijing to be transformed and put into practice in the park, and give special support for this. Support of “One-Company and One-Policy” will be implemented according to specific circumstances. The following materials are required to apply for this support.

1. Application on supporting transformation and practicing of major scientific and technological achievements based on “One-Company and One-Policy.”

2. Originals and copies with official seals of related certificates of Beijing or national major scientific and technological achievements;

3. Originals and copies with official seals of major scientific and technological achievements transformation & practicing agreements;

4. Report on initialization of major scientific and technological achievements transformation projects;

5. Specific embodiments on putting major scientific and technological achievements transformation projects into practice;

◇ Article IX

These rules will be implemented after 30 days of announcement.