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Relax in Etown

Updated : 2014-11-20
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Nanhezi Country Park, Binhe River Forest Park, International Companies Cultural Park, Elk Garden……Etown has wonderful garden landscapes, varying with the four seasons.

Relax in Etown
Nanhezi Country Park [Photo from Beijing Daily]
Relax in Etown
Nanhezi Country Park [Photo from Beijing Daily]
Relax in Etown
Nanhezi Country Park [Photo from Beijing Daily]
Relax in Etown

Water flowing beneath a little bridge, waterwheels rotating slowly beside a plank road, fountains at a pier spewing water……all fine sceneries with strong characteristics of regions south of the Yangtze River appear by the Liangshui River. The old sewage river has become a thing of the past. [Photo from Beijing Daily]

Relax in Etown
Hot Spring Water World [Photo from Beijing Daily]