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Mobile E-Town hosts road shows for international projects

Updated : 2017-12-19

The Sino-European Center affiliated to Beijing Mobile E-Town co-hosted a series of road shows on Dec 12 and 13, in order to promote international projects, according to

On Dec 12, Frank and Jan, two scientists and investors from The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), gave an introduction to their projects in the area of biopharmaceuticals and medical equipment.

EMBL is one of the world’s top molecular biology research institutions, supported by 22 member states, as well as four prospective and two associate member states. It now boasts 85 independent groups covering the full spectrum of molecular biology research.

On Dec 13, a road show featuring Finnish internet of things projects was held. Co-hosted by E-Town Mobile and the Embassy of Finland in Beijing, the activity involved officials from the embassy and the science and technology bureau of Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area. A total of five Finnish businesses involved in internet of things projects, including Distence, BaseN, Quuppa, Prosysopc and Qt gave road shows. The attendees also included Chinese internet of things businesses like BOE and

Mobile E-Town hosts road shows for international projects

Frank and Jan, two scientists and investors from The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), give an introduction to their projects in the area of biopharmaceuticals and medical equipment on Dec 12. [Photo/]

Mobile E-Town hosts road shows for international projects

Representatives of Finnish businesses involved with internet of things projects, including Distence, BaseN, Quuppa, Prosysopc and Qt promote their projects on Dec 13. [Photo/]