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Sci-tech education carnival opens in BDA

Updated : 2017-12-29
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Eight primary and middle schools from Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA) attended a science and technology education carnival which opened on Dec 30 in the BDA, according to local media.

The event, highlighting scientific and technological innovation, boasted themed functional zones including a 3D printing experience zone, a VR experience zone and makerspaces.

Yang Wei, a top official of Beijing Yichuang Intelligent Robot Industry Research Institute, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the event, calling for the wider participation of young people to boost scientific and technological innovation in order to make breakthroughs.

Sci-tech education carnival opens in BDA

Two staff members from China Science and Technology Museum give a demonstration at the opening ceremony of a science and technology education carnival opening on Dec 30 in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area. [Photo/]

Sci-tech education carnival opens in BDA

Students from eight primary and middle schools in the BDA attend the carnival, Dec 30. [Photo/]

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