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JD to develop unbounded retail in Shandong

Updated : 2018-05-25
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Chinese e-commerce giant JD signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Lushang Group on developing unbounded retail in Shandong province on May 21, according to local media.

The two companies, both with revenue of over 100 billion yuan, will integrate online and offline resources to form a vast variety of goods and storefront coverage. The "unbounded retailing" of the province and consumers at any time and in any place has nurtured new forms of business in new retail formats, modern supply chains, and the digital economy.

Liu Qiangdong, CEO of JD Group, said that Shandong province will be a key cooperation partner for JD. JD will use its own advantages in platforms, resources, and technology to actively invest in the transformation of new and old kinetic energy in Shandong to boost commercial and regional development.

The first unmanned supermarket jointly operated by JD and Lushang Group has been in trial operation in Jinan of Shandong province.

JD to develop unbounded retail in Shandong

Chinese e-commerce giant JD signs a strategic cooperation agreement with Lushang Group on developing unbounded retail in Shandong province on May 21 [Photo/]