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Innovation and entrepreneurship competition opens in BDA

Updated : 2018-06-07
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The second Beijing CED Internet Plus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition recently opened in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA), according to a June 2 Beijing Daily report.

The selected projects will be connected with the appropriate social networks to enable them to flourish, with the support of government departments.

The competition is aimed at inspiring young people's creativity, and to make full use of the internet in promoting industrial upgrading, the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, and to promote the transformation and upgrading of industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, energy, and environmental protection.

During the selection of the project, the organizing committee will also hold project exhibitions, set up an investment exchange area at the roadshows, and carry out investment negotiations.

Also, the organizing committee will help quality projects with high-tech content and large market potential establish themselves in the BDA.