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JD attends intelligence business conference

Updated : 2018-07-02
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Representatives of JD attended the 2nd China (Hainan) Intelligence Business Conference (CIBC) opening in Haikou, South China’s Hainan province, on June 27.

The conference, co-hosted by the Department of Commerce of Hainan and the E-commerce Committee of China Association of Trade in Services, invited guests from major domestic e-commerce platforms, internet companies, and innovative companies to make keynote speeches discussing the development of intelligence business models in the context of the internet, big data, artificial intelligence, block chain technology and other emerging technologies.

A total of 18 keynote speeches and two roundtable dialogues were held, covering topics including platform e-commerce, artificial intelligence, new retail, smart homes, cross-border e-commerce, big data, and online education.

JD attends intelligence business conference

The 2nd China (Hainan) Intelligence Business Conference (CIBC) opens in Haikou, South China’s Hainan province, on June 27. [Photo/Xinhua]

JD attends intelligence business conference

Yi Wenjie, vice-president of JD Group, gives a speech at the conference, June 27. [Photo/internet]