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Finals for innovation contest concludes in Beijing

Updated : 2018-08-22
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The finals for the third China Chuangyu Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition concluded in Beijing on Aug 11.

Projects that had been recommended by Beijing E-Town International Financing Guarantee Co had previously made it through a municipal-level qualifying competition. Among those projects, Beijing Thorgene’s personalized neoantigen tumor vaccine won first place in the innovation category.

A program for wireless electric vehicle charging by Juxpower Co and the “Alan robots” project by Zhongdetaike Technology Co were granted outstanding performance awards in the innovation and entrepreneurship categories respectively.

The competition started in May and was hosted by Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Representatives from E-Town Financing Guarantee served on the judging committee for a preliminary contest in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA).

Finals for innovation contest concludes in Beijing

The finals for the third China Chuangyu Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition conclude in Beijing on Aug 11. [Photo/]

Finals for innovation contest concludes in Beijing

The personalized neoantigen tumor vaccine project by Beijing Thorgene Co takes first place in the innovation category at the contest in Beijing, Aug 11. [Photo/]