Home > Harbin

Harbin-ger of change

Old industrial center looks to innovation to move up the value chain

Swede settles into cool comfort

Hotel manager finds easy fit in Northeastern city's familiar climate and hospitality

Harbin looks to innovate

Crowds cheered when the group of eight contestants appeared on stage, under neon lights and dancing to music as part of the China's Got Talent show.

China OKs urban planning for Harbin, Haikou

China's State Council approved, in principle, the general urban planning for two provincial capitals, Harbin and Haikou, for the coming ten years, according to statements posted on the government's website Friday.

Carrefour : tricherie sur les prix dans un supermarché à Harbin

Le matin du 10 mai, Pan Chunying a payé au supermarché Carrefour de la rue Dazhi à Harbin (capitale du Heilongjiang) 55,9 yuans pour un sac de riz, alors que le prix affiché était de 37,5 yuans. Le supermarché a ensuite tout bonnement refusé de lui rembourser la différence.

Harbin govt to protect notoriousgerm warfare site

The Harbin city government is pushing for new regulations to protect the former site of Unit 731, a base for germ and biological experiments by the Japanese army during World War II.

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