Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for more than 2,000 years to prevent, diagnose and cure illness. It includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise and dietary therapy.
The lift glides noiselessly to the top floor of a 10-storey residential building in Beijing and I step toward my appointment with the same anticipation I came with last time. I am hoping Master Liu Qing will beat me with a stick. Two sticks, in fact.
For visitors to Beijing, a trip to the Great Wall now can be so much more than simple sightseeing. They can practise tai chi, an ancient form of exercise and meditation, on the wall as part of a package that combines traditional tourism with traditional Chinese healthcare.
From a venue for professional exchanges to popular tourist destination, Yushengtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum in Beijing has witnessed the spreading popularity of traditional Chinese medicine overseas.
Hope is at hand for eager travelers with too many destinations on their wish lists and not enough time to see them all.
The World Tourism Cities Federation came up with an evaluation system on Thursday in Beijing to better strengthen the federation's say worldwide and guide the development of cities with special attractions.
Aviation regarded as the key to attracting visitors
Leisure, entertainment start to replace luxury shopping