Sony needs more than MJ to wow users
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-07-23 09:58

Sony needs more than MJ to wow users

A waxwork of US singer Michael Jackson, at Madame Tussauds in London.

Stringer is certainly talking big about marrying the strengths of Sony's vast entertainment content and hardware-electronics units. Doing that successfully might return Sony to profitability. The trouble is, Sony has been pledging to pull that off for many a year.

Word of a possible Jackson deal boosted Sony 29 cents to $24.63 a share in New York Stock Exchange composite trading on Monday. Even though Jackson's popularity peaked in the 1980s, the public outpouring following his death rivaled that for Elvis Presley and John Lennon. Put together well, Jackson's footage probably could reap rewards for Sony.

In a statement about Jackson last month, though, Stringer may have said more than he had planned. He called Jackson a genius who "reflected the passion and creativity of an era." That comment once might have been used to describe Stringer's company.

Sony used to be the bellwether of global electronics. It also was part of Japan's post-World War II revival, becoming one of the most-respected brands and most-feared competitors anywhere. Now, rivals are winning the spotlight. It's not unlike where Japan finds itself in Asia.

The next couple of years are critical if Sony hopes to regain its greatness. Otherwise, Sony, like Jackson, may be remembered as a star that shone most brightly in the 1980s.

William Pesek is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.


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