Lindsay Lohan's bar row

Updated: 2009-11-16 08:04
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Lindsay Lohan's bar row

Lindsay Lohan allegedly refused to pay two bottles of champagne from a Los Angeles bar.

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The troubled actress was reportedly furious when she was given a bill for her drinks at The Crown Bar and stunned onlookers with a tantrum when staff insisted she settled her tab for her evening.

A source told America's People magazine: "Lindsay stormed into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of really expensive champagne. She finished both bottles with a friend. When the bartender gave her a bill, she had a meltdown.

"She was yelling at him and screaming profanities at everyone. The bar insisted she pay, so she had to call a friend with her credit card information."

The star eventually left the nightspot at 2.30am - but was still in tears over the incident.

The source added: "She was crying and wanted to go home. She kept saying 'I don't pay for drinks! This is ridiculous! I'm freaking out!' "

Lindsay - who has previously undergone stints in a rehabilitation clinic for alcohol abuse - has caused increasing concern with her recent behaviour.

Her father Michael Lohan has spoken out, saying he fears she will die if she doesn't get help for her problems.

He said: "I want my daughter off prescription medication. She never needed it in her life... I'm not going to watch my daughter die. Hate me now, but you love me more later because I'm gonna turn her life around."