From teamkrejados, in Berlin, Germany
Ich Bin Ein Berliner! (I am a Berliner!)
So proclaimed John F. Kennedy at the Berlin Wall in 1963. The rest of Germany laughed. For them, the common jelly doughnut is known as a Berliner.
[Photo by teamkrejados] |
Indeed, these yummy doughnuts are a trademark food, eaten at New Year. The rest of the year, Berliners enjoy Currywurst and french fries, available from almost any vendor cart:
[Photo by teamkrejados] |
[Photo by teamkrejados] |
A fine sandwich of roasted goat’s shank, with vegetables and pepper sauce. Of course, such tasty fare must be accompanied by a Berliner Weisser, a white beer with grenadine sauce, usually drunk through a straw:
[Photo by teamkrejados] |