Beijing ready for the World Cup
Updated: 2006-06-09 14:14

With the 2006 World Cup kicking off on June 9th, bars and soccer fans in Beijing have all been preparing for the big event.

Due to the difference in time zones, all live matches will be broadcast between 9pm and 5am Beijing time... so many Beijing soccer fans will end up watching in bars.

In the Houhai Lake area, where many of Beijing's fashionable bars are located, a festival atmosphere can already be detected.

Many bars are decorated with national flags of countries participating in the tournament - even cocktails featuring those flags are available. Moreover, giant outdoor screens have been set up to broadcast the game.

While soccer fans will enjoy passionate World Cup nights, the Beijing police department reminds them not to overact during the event.

¡°We wish that throughout the whole process of the event, fans can control their passion and excitement and keep order in the bars.¡±

Meanwhile, for those not wanting to crowd into bars, but neither want to disturb the regular life schedule of their family members, renting an apartment can be a suitable choice. A Beijing resident tells us:

¡°We all have old people and children in our families. It¡¯s not convenient to stay at anyone¡¯s home. So we decided to rent a big apartment so that we can get together with friends and enjoy the fantastic event.¡±

Such dedicated, yet considerate,soccer fans say the high cost of the rent is not a problem since the event is only held once every four years, hence it is rare and worth it.