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Nadal:Going through great sporting moment

Updated: 2007-04-30 08:39
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Spain's Rafael Nadal, who won his third consecutive Godo tennis final on Sunday, said he was experiencing the best moment in his sporting career.

Nadal, who beat Argentina's Guillermo Canas 6-3, 6-4, said when he went eight months without winning a tournament he experienced some "difficult times" but says that he now feels better than ever.

"After Dubai there was a change in my game and the Indian Wells victory was important for me to recover confidence," he told media.

He said he had improved his volleying and his backhand, but said he still had areas to polish.

"If Roger Federer has room for improvement, I imagine that I have too," suggesting that more aggressing and a better serve are goals.

Nadal, rated number two worldwide, has registered 72 games without a loss, matching the record set by tennis legend Mats Wilander, the only other player to win three Godos in a row, starting in 1982.

"I have always said that Godo... makes me most excited. Winning here, in my club, for the third year in a row is a dream come true. When I won the first time it felt incredible. Imagine three in a row," he said.

Nadal also described his Sunday rival, Guillermo Canas, as a wall. "If you are not patient, you cannot beat him, because he makes you fail. You can't lose control on the first, second or third error," he said.

He also said he was pleased to see Canas return to competition in good condition, after 15 months away from competition due to a doping charge.

"I have known Willy a long time. He is a good friend and I believe him when he says he never planned to cheat. In any case, I am glad to see him back, because if you go a year and a half without playing you have to have incredible mettle to continue training and keep your motivation," he said
