Zou leads new pack of pugilists

(China Daily)
Updated: 2007-11-20 10:40

At the tournament in Chicago China performed as well as it ever has in a world championship, also winning four bronzes in the 57kg, 69kg, 91kg and over-91kg divisions.

China's boxers rarely made it past the first round in major international competitions but have now emerged as strong competitors on the circuit with seven boxers having clinched Olympic tickets.

"Since Bai Chongguang got a gold medal in the 81kg class at the 11th Asian Games in 1990 and Zou Shiming won a bronze medal in 48kg at the Athens Olympics, Chinese boxing has become more and more mature," said Chang Jianping, the chairman of the Chinese Boxing Association and the director of BTAC.

According to Chang, more and more talented Chinese boxers are emerging, a sure sign that the sport is in good health.

"Worlds gold-medal winner Zhang Maomao, Zhang Xiyan and Zou have combined to give boxing a shot in the arm," said Chang.

"Chinese boxing, no matter whether men's or women's, is developing by leaps and bounds," he said. "Many fighters are reaching a competitive international level, particularly in the men's 48kg."

Cui Dalin, deputy director of the State General Administration of Sports, is also pleased to see the rapid progress, especially with the Beijing Games looming.

"The coaching team did a very good job. China now has its own boxing style," Cui said. "All the players showed the confidence and the ability of changing tactics during the tournament. The results are encouraging for our Olympic preparations."

But Cui also tried to cool down some of the high expectations the boxing team faces: "We did have a breakthrough at this world championship. But we have to stay cool as Cuba did not send players and we also had very lucky draws."

China faces rivals from powerhouses like Russia and Cuba as well as threats from Asia.

In Asia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan all pose a threat. The Philippines, Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are all strong in certain categories as well.

Cuba and Russia are the dominant powers in the sport, claiming five and three gold medals, respectively, out of 11 at the Athens Olympics. Russia was also the biggest winner with three golds at this world championship.

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