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Flame for Youth Olympic Games to travel five continents
Updated: 2009-03-30 11:45

SINGAPORE -- The Olympic Flame for the first Youth Olympic Games (YOG) will be lit in Greece and travel to one city in each of the five continents, the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee announced on Friday.

The committee said in a statement that the International Olympic Committee Executive Board, at its meeting in Denver, approved a proposal by Singapore for the Olympic Flame for the YOG to be lit in Greece and travel to one city each in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania before arriving in Singapore.

The statement did not tell which cities are chosen and when the torch relay will start.

At each city, the Olympic Flame will be welcomed in a celebration focused on youth and the power of the Olympic values to make the world a better place. Athletes and youth on that continent will be invited to witness the lighting of the cauldron and join in the city celebration, according to the statement.

"As an important symbol of the Olympic movement, the Olympic Flame will touch the hearts of millions of youths and inspire them to make a positive impact in their communities as it journeys through the five continents," said Ser Miang NG, Chairman of the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee.

In Singapore, the Olympic Flame will visit all parts of the city-state in a traditional torch relay run, where youths from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) will also be invited to participate.

The inaugural Youth Olympic Games will be held in Singapore in August 2010.