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Braun doped during MVP season

By reuters in Milwaukee | China Daily | Updated: 2013-08-24 08:15

A month after acknowledging he made "mistakes," Ryan Braun admitted taking performance-enhancing drugs during his National League MVP season of 2011.

The suspended Milwaukee slugger said in a statement released on Thursday by the Brewers that he took a cream and a lozenge containing banned substances while rehabilitating an injury.

"It was a huge mistake for which I am deeply ashamed and I compounded the situation by not admitting it immediately," Braun said.

Braun tested positive for elevated testosterone in October 2011, but his 50-game suspension was overturned when an arbitrator ruled that the urine sample was mishandled.

Braun apologized to the collector of the urine sample, his teammates and MLB commissioner Bud Selig.

Last month the player accepted a 65-game suspension resulting from MLB's investigation of the Biogenesis of America anti-aging clinic.

(China Daily 08/24/2013 page15)

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