Sports / MLB

Fewer delays on replays, but ref will have final word

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-08-05 07:20

The NBA got an assist from the NHL in developing its new replay center in Secaucus, New Jersey.

"We had our basketball operations people go up to Toronto to visit the National Hockey League's video war room and have extensive conversations with them; we also talked to Major League Baseball about their replay procedures," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said during an abbreviated visit to Beijing last week.

"The replay center is a brand new concept for our league, which we're going to be implementing during the preseason for the first time. We're very excited about it because I think it will lead to more accurate officiating."

Rather than have game officials communicate directly with the TV truck outside the arena, all replays of discretionary calls like out-of-bounds and goaltending will be collated at the Secaucus facility.

"When the referee goes to the courtside monitor, the best angle will already be queued up from the replay center. The two main advantages are that it will help speed up instant replays during the game and the official will see the very best angle that shows what he needs to see," said Silver.

"But let me also add so it's clear: the official on the floor will still have the final say on all calls. The replay center is just to provide assistance. We'll no doubt have to iron out a few wrinkles."

Murray Greig

(China Daily 08/05/2014 page24)

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