Sports / China

Vertical marathon association established in Guangzhou

By Qiu Quanlin in Guangzhou ( Updated: 2015-12-28 18:41

An international association of vertical marathon has been established in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province, after conclusion of a half-a-year tower running event.

Vertical marathon, or running the stairs of a very tall building, was originated in the US. It has become an actual sport and according to organizers of the 2015 Asia Pacific International Vertical Marathon, it's been growing in popularity amongst active Chinese.

The Asia-Pacific Vertical Marathon Association is a joint organization between organizers of the vertical racing event of China, Singapore, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The six-month event attracting more than 500 domestic and international runners concluded on Saturday in Guangzhou.

Runners competed in the Canton Tower, a symbolic 111-floor high building with 2,580 stairs in Guangzhou. Polish runner Piotr Lobodzinski and Australian Brooke Logan won the men's and women's title respectively.

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