Yingluck supporters rally to counter anti-govt protests

Updated: 2014-04-06 08:03

By Amy Sawitta Lefevre in Bangkok(China Daily)

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Thousands of supporters of Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra travelled by bus, pickup truck and train on Saturday to join a three-day rally on the outskirts of Bangkok aimed at countering months of sometimes violent anti-government protests.

In their largest show of force in months, the pro-government "red shirts", or United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship, said they were prepared to thwart any move to dismiss Yingluck who faces mounting legal cases that could remove her from office in coming weeks.

Leaders of the movement said they were not seeking a fight with the thousands of anti-government protesters holding their own rally at their headquarters in Bangkok's Lumpini Park, near the financial district.

The red shirts were gathering on a scenic country road at the edge of the city, more than 30 km from Lumpini. Around 3,000 police officers were keeping watch.

"We're not looking for a confrontation with the anti-government crowd," red shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan said. "This is about showing our strength and to warn the elite that we will not accept it if Yingluck is removed by the courts."

Government supporters accuse Yingluck's enemies of plotting a judicial coup. The courts have been unusually active in recent weeks, and Yingluck looks increasingly hemmed in.

Red shirt leaders expect more than 500,000 to show up, though others gave a more conservative estimate.

"The road the red shirts have chosen can accommodate 300,000. So far, 10,000 demonstrators have arrived, but we expect this number to increase steadily throughout the day," said Paradorn Pattanathabutr, a security adviser to the prime minister.

Many had packed for a long stay, bringing portable gas stoves and food supplies to last a week.

The struggle pits the mostly poorer, rural supporters of Yingluck and her brother, ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, against anti-government protesters from Bangkok and the south who are backed by the conservative elite.

At the height of the demonstrations, anti-government protesters shut down key road junctions in Bangkok and blockaded state offices. They disrupted a Feb 2 election which a court nullified in March.

The protesters, mainly urban and middle class Thais, want Yingluck's government replaced by an unelected "people's council" of notable worthies before a new election is held.

On Wednesday, the Constitutional Court accepted a case against Yingluck that was filed by 27 senators who say she abused her power when she transferred the national security chief in 2011.

Yingluck has been given 15 days to defend herself before the court. If found guilty, she faces removal from office.

She also faces charges of negligence brought against her by the National Anti-Corruption Commission in connection with a government rice-buying project that has run up huge losses. She could be impeached if the case is forwarded to the Senate.


 Yingluck supporters rally to counter anti-govt protests

Members of the pro-government "red shirt" group gather on the outskirts of Bangkok on Saturday to "warn the elite that we will not accept it if Yingluck is removed by the courts". Athit Perawongmetha / Reuters

(China Daily 04/06/2014 page4)