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DPRK launches two short-range missiles

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-03-03 09:47

DPRK launches two short-range missiles

DPRK launches coastal artillery during a training session in this January 2009 file photo. [Photo/]

SEOUL - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Monday launched two short-range missiles on its east coast, local media reported.

The DPRK fired off two short-range ballistic missiles, believed to be of Scud-C type, for 10 minutes from 6:19 am local time Monday at Gitaeryeong and Wonsan areas in the DPRK's southeast coast.

The missiles were believed to be of Scud-C type as they flew more than 500 km.

On Feb 27, the DPRK fired four short-range missiles, allegedly of Scud-type missiles, from the same area. From there the DPRK launched two Scud-C type missiles, which flew around 220 km at an altitude of 60-70 km.

At that time, South Korea's Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said that the launch was seen as "intended provocation" as the incident came after annual war games between Seoul and Washington began.

South Korea and the United States began their annual joint war games as scheduled despite DPRK's demand for the delay or cancellation of the drills.

The "Key Resolve" command post exercise and the "Foal Eagle" field training exercise started on Feb 24, with participation of 12,700 US soldiers, including more than 6,000 forces from overseas bases.


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