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Lugu Lake, where the fairies live

CRIENGLISH.com | Updated: 2011-02-11 10:11

Located at the boundary of southwest China's Sichuan province and Yunnan province, Lugu Lake is a mysterious land with charming sceneries and a unique matriarchal culture.

Lugu Lake covers an area of 50.8 square kilometers at an altitude of 2,688 meters. Encircled by a verdant sea of grass, seven islets are studded in the middle of the lake. Inside the lush, virgin forest, panthers, roe, deer, bobtail monkeys and many other protected animals are known to appear.

Lugu Lake, where the fairies live
Lugu Lake. Photos by courtesy of sina.com

The most numerous minority ethnic group living by the lake are the Mosuo people, with an ancient family structure that has been described as "a live fossil for researching the marital development history of human beings" and "the last quaint Realm of Matriarchy."

All the seasons are as comfortable as a pleasant spring, but the best seasons to come here are spring and summer when the hills are emerald green and the flowers are in bloom.

Lugu Lake, where the fairies live
Lugu Lake. Photos by courtesy of sina.com

Lugu Lake, where the fairies live
Lugu Lake. Photos by courtesy of sina.com

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