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Artists take inspiration from, and give to, Tibetan areas

China Daily/Agencies | Updated: 2012-02-08 14:02

A delegation of about 20 master painters and students from the Beijing-based China Central Academy of Fine Arts recently completed a visit to the Tibetan-inhabited areas of Sichuan province.

Led by oil painters Wang Qijun and Tian Haipeng, and print artist Xu Zhong'ou, the delegation braved the biting cold to visit the Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture and the Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture in western Sichuan to find inspiration for their painting exhibition, featuring works that will depict both prefectures.

Starting from May, the show will tour Sichuan's capital Chengdu, Beijing and overseas.

Five paintings will be auctioned in Beijing to build a Project Hope primary school in western Sichuan, Wang says.