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Yangshuo of Guilin

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2012-05-25 14:34

Yangshuo of Guilin

West Street of Yangshuo [Photo/Agencies]

There is a saying that: "The landscape at Guilin is the best on earth; and the landscape at Yangshuo is the best in Guilin." West Street is one of fascinating places that you cannot miss. You can find bars of various styles, crafts with Chinese characteristics and beauties from different regions.

Bars along West Street have impressive names and unexpected decorations, highlighting a cultural heritage which harmoniously combines Eastern and Western cultures. You can buy traditional crafts such as delicate silk handbags, exquisite fans, rice paper paintings and wood carvings. When you are tired, you can also choose to rest at bars like 'Lisa's hotel' or 'Animal' for a rest.