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Guilin rice noodle

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2012-05-25 14:45
Guilin rice noodle

Guilin rice noodle [Photo/Agencies]

Guilin rice noodle is a well-known food in Guilin, just like Guilin's unique hills and water. Here you can enjoy delicious noodles with all kinds of ingredients and tastes.

Themed noodles include vegetarian noodle, beef noodle, trio meat noodle, plain noodle or hot and sour noodle. Noodle toppings frequently include fried peanuts or soybeans, chopped green onions and thin slices of different kinds of meat.

Guilin rice noodle is delicious but inexpensive. Renowned and large restaurants are Victory Rice Noodle Restaurant, Shi's Rice Noodle Restaurant, Fulin Rice Noodle Restaurant and Qiuling Rice Noodle Restaurant.